2 new hips,... check
Shoulders shot,...check
Feeling older than 56,....check
Missing sledding,...check
Missing YOU ALL,....check
Spend too much free time on FaceSpace,...check
Wish I was sledding NOW!,...check check check
Going to store to buy Gigantic Carrot cake and stuff my face,...CHECK!
Wash Cake down with LOTS of COLD Beer? CHECK!!!!
Whine and Cry because I stuffed my face with too much cake,..Ugh! Check!
Hope You all are having a great sledding year,... we are supposed to pick up a dusting down here
in Nashville tomorrow,...So I better stock up on batteries and extra bottled water! Even with a
dusting,... seems everything shuts down! LOL!
Thats ok though,...2 days later it will be in the 60's!
Writing lots of songs and performing them at writers nights with some of the Big dogs,...
That is always cool! Working as an Armed Security Patrol officer, standing around watching
construction and utility crews,....
Thanks Again Friends!