Happy Birthday Frank, hope this day is a great one for you.
No Haboobs, preferably not too hot, or too cold, just right.

No Haboobs?
Oh no, no haboobs, but I woke up on Labor day to a helluva clatter …
A clatter?
"When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter …"?
Was I dreamin?
Was dat Sandy Clause and dem reindeers on da roof?
Wait, whut? A
hurry-cane? In Airyzony? …
Or maybe I died and went to Florida?
No, just the remains of a tropical depression that had worked its way up the Gulf of California, then dumped it's residual moisture and winds into Airyzony.
Peak wind gusts > 50 mph.
Ripped the bejeezus outa my roof. Ah, well, I was purt near ready for a new roof anyway.
Price of new roof:
$50,000+, the bulk of which is to pay the fellers in the astronaut suits to remove and dispose of the 60 year old
asbestos-cement (A/C) shingles, which my insurance refuses to pay for!
Still working on that issue. Maybe a new roof by Christmas or the New Year.
I seen on da hedline dat you is purty near atey yars old! Congrajitations ! Hear is hopeins youse gets to has many moor!
Ya, I'm as old as dirt. But at least I'm still above da dirt, and not planted under it!
And I'm gonna need "many moor" to pay fer da dam roof!
Happy Burt Day me.
Sydämeni pohjasta (from the bottom of my heart) — or is that
Pohjani sydämestä (from the heart of my bottom)?

— tanks for the Burt Day wishes, y'all!