Happy Birthday, Big Vin!!!


New member
Hope you get absolutely pummeled with snow over there! Sorry your planned trip on your day off got spoiled. I felt so bad & mad when I read that. Doesn't it just figure-Had stuff like that happen before, too. We aren't getting anything here, either. Last night (southwest Michigan) got huge snowflakes (which were just enough to make a mess) and today it's supposed to be sunny & 40 degrees! Next Tues.--Rain & 43 degrees! Oh, I'm so sick of it!!! I'm ready to freak out! At least you'll be at the Ride-In! One of these years hope to meet you & some of the others on here---Lots of great people! (Sorry to vent on your birthday thread-just want you to know your not alone. We need a group hug for those lacking in snow.) Enjoy your day!
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Well-known member
Happy Birthday Vin. I sure wish I could send you snow, but, considering Mother Nature can't do it, I know I can't help ya. Have a Good Day!-Mezz

Deleted member 10829

Happy birthday! I may be at the bug bar next Friday night if things work out, so hope to meet you then.


New member

Thanks a Million!
Got the day off,.... going to tinker on the old vintage
sled today,...hit the Fish Fry tonight,... and maybe
tip a few pints.
Though I am on the "wrong" side of 50,...
Glad to be "semi-healthy", have great family and friends,...
and fortunate enough to have been given the chance to have another
career (even tho work sucks!) LOL!
Tonight, we are suppose to get 3 inches of snow!
(and rain next Wednesday)
Oh well.
Can't have E V E R Y T H I N G,... (or can we??)

Thanks Again!

Think * Snow!


New member
Happy Birthday! See you Friday for the Ride In again. This year remember to fill up your sled before we leave. LOL


New member
Happy Birthday, Randy! Fish fry and a few pints--sounds like a wonderful birthday to me! See you next week. I'm going to miss driving up to da U.P. with you!