New member
Hope you get absolutely pummeled with snow over there! Sorry your planned trip on your day off got spoiled. I felt so bad & mad when I read that. Doesn't it just figure-Had stuff like that happen before, too. We aren't getting anything here, either. Last night (southwest Michigan) got huge snowflakes (which were just enough to make a mess) and today it's supposed to be sunny & 40 degrees! Next Tues.--Rain & 43 degrees! Oh, I'm so sick of it!!! I'm ready to freak out! At least you'll be at the Ride-In! One of these years hope to meet you & some of the others on here---Lots of great people! (Sorry to vent on your birthday thread-just want you to know your not alone. We need a group hug for those lacking in snow.) Enjoy your day!
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