Happy Birthday frnash


New member
Happy Birthday frnash!! May you have many more. I would also like to thank you for the links the other day on the Huron Mountain Club. Led to some interesting reading. You always post the best links. :)

Deleted member 10829

Haipy Burfthdaiy fernasih! Couldn't resist. :) May you have many, many more!!


Active member
Thank you, thank you! Birthday #71. (I must stop counting one of these years!)

'Tis now 5½ weeks post-op (total right hip replacement on 10/18) and doing great! After a very good therapy session on Friday (on how to walk correctly¹, and how to recognize when you're doing it wrong!), I've been getting around the house today mostly without a cane (although I'll still be using a cane for any more serious walking until 12/13. I did miss out on a combined Thanksgiving/Birthday feast in Los Angeles this year, but there's always next year!

¹(Therapist says this is important, 'cuz I was limping for two years with serious arthritis in the hip before my cardiologist would let me get the hip replacement — so now I have to re-learn how to walk without that limp!)

P.S.: I think that darn sawbones removed my spelling/grammar corrector along with the arthritic hip, so y'all are on your own now! :p


New member
Ahhh-come on, we count on you to keep everyone straight. Hopefully they didn't remove your knowledge base 'cause you always share excellent info. Happy Birthday and maanny more.


New member
Happy BD Nashy.....I'm gunna send you a case of water..cause we got so much of it back here, and I know you can prolly get about 2 bucks a bottle for the stuff out there.

Hang in there with the hip, cause once it gets better you will wonder why yah didn't get it done before now, despite the insurance company trying to decide if and when you needed it.

Now get dat danged puter fired back up and runn'n right to keep the kids in line, cause yah just know things will go to heck and a hand basket if yah don't keep a keyboard on them.

btw 71 is the new young for old guys, just stay away from the cinamon bread and drink that tea straight up, and you will be back spinn'n nails sooner rather than later.


Well-known member
A belated Happy B-Day! Been a hectic week-end, hope all continues to go well for you.-Mezz


Well-known member
Happy belated birthday as well! If I'd only known, I would have baked a cake.

Thinking you might have had one anyway, with a full complement of candles (there was a strange glow in the southern sky the other night).

Good luck with your "we can rebuild him better" hip. I live with someone that has had a total joint replacement (knee) and I can tell you she is a much happier person.


happy late old birtday franky babby!!!!!!Good to hear your learing new things still!