Happy Birthday jbsugarbrown!


Well-known member
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope it's a snowy one.:)

You are always so quick to wish everyone else a Happy Birthday, it's only appropiate you get your own B-day wishes.


Staff member
X2 !

Being one to usually start the happy birthday wish thread, you certainly deserve your own! Nice catch jr37! and Happy Birthday Ms. jbsugarbrown!



Well-known member
Happy Birthday wishes right back to you. Hope you were one of the lucky folks to get some snow. Enjoy!-Mezz


New member
Thanks so very much for the birthday wishes, everyone---Haven't been on here at all, other than to see if it snowed up by John's. Had been spending all of my time with my dog in his last days here, as he had bone & lung cancer. Having a hard time but looking forward to getting back on here to read. Boy, do I have a lot of catching up to do!

Anyway, thanks so much! You all are so kind & sure helped to brighten my day! Thanks so much to John for this gift of this website & his journal.

Take care,


Staff member
So sorry to hear of your loss Jennifer. Prayers for peace and healing are going your way.



New member
Happy Birthday, Deepest Regards also. If it makes you feel any better, I think my dog has reached the end of her days.
Not sure how to handle that yet.


Well-known member
So sorry to hear this jb & mj! I certainly hope that your Holiday's bring you Happiness in your time of sorrow.-Mezz


Sorry for your loss Jennifer and mj! I have two dogs here that are 10 and 12.


New member
Thank you so much everybody---You never know just how much those encouraging words mean to someone until someone says them to you. Thanks for being such a blessing. This is a special website with lots of special people on it. Thank you for that, John.

Everytime someone posts about losing their dog or the struggles that they are having with their dog's health, etc. it brings on the tears. I still remember opening John's journal & seeing the picture of Burt at the top & just bawling--that's the kind of impact John's life & the sharing of it through his journals have had on all of us. There are a lot of wonderful dog lovers on here and a lot of very blessed dogs/pets. It's so awful that they can't all know the kind of love that JDers shower their pets with.

MJ---It's so hard. I've said lots of prayers & now I'll say them for you as you and your dog go through this together. Just know that I am crying right along beside you. Just do everything together (that you can) so that when it is time you will be as happy--as can be possible at that time--with the life you shared & the memories you made together. Dogs don't need anything complicated-they just want the simple, good things in life--to love you & be loved back, pats, scratches & hugs, walks & time spent playing (they're all really just puppies inside with an old dogs wisdom) so they can feel young again (even when they're bodies tell them otherwise), treats--lots of treats, and dignity when it is time to go on ahead of us to wait until we arrive & are together again. Oh, and be sure you have plenty of pictures to have as keepsakes.

800etec---Love on those pups (see above :))

I had saved a post from myq back in October because it was such a good one to read about dogs & so true & I knew it was going to be a comfort to me to read again when Angus' time came. Thanks for sharing myq.
