Happy Thanksgiving


New member
True story scotti

have a great thanksgiving!


scottiking out<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
customer (25\30yr old) asks for the meat mgr. I tell her, your talkin to him
she seems very nervous\upset .she tells me she is cookin for 35 to 40 people at her house and needs to know how much turkey. I say 1 lb a person is average.she has this glassey look in her eyes and says ok can you get me a 40 lb turkey? Ilook back at her with eyes poppin out of my head, and say miss if tou find a 40 lb turkey you had better put spurs on it and ride it home!!!!shes starts laughing like crazy comes over gives me a hug and says thank you for the stress relief. I got her 2 20 lb birds & set her on her way. Life at the jewel and the holidays ......meathead