HANG IN THERE AS OTHERS HAVE SAID IT DOES GET BETTER! From 13 to 18 is the hardest years of your life with a girl. And for all those fathers with boys my favorite life lesson was a friend of mine that was a player for all his life, and like most men loved to look at woman and frequent gentlemen's clubs as you boys call them. I told him as he to was raising a teenage girl, just remember for all those girls you admire and look at they are someone's daughter.A few years later his daughter left for collage and to start her life, and he was on the road with his buds, and decided to go to a club, to his surprise his daughter was on stag! He remembered my statement. If it's a boy or a girl it's tough.Be patient, give time,listen, watch for warning signs, be there though they think they are all it and grown up, and parents think they are old enough so the can slack a little NOT TRUE. Be a parent because you'll always be one till the day you die. Hang in there!