Hawks ??


New member
Last year my predictions didn't happen and you said you would love to bet me the hawks would take it all !! You also said you were not a betting man so we didn't bet !! I need your advice on this years Hawks to bet with Roc ! Are they going to make the playoffs ? What are their chances of repeating for Lord Stanley ?Is Patrick Sharp coming back this yr. Thanks, Ubee


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Staff member
Boy, it is coming down to the wire, but I think they will make the playoffs by the hair of their chinny, chin, chin. After that? Anyone's guess as anything can happen in the playoffs.

With that said, if I were a betting man, I would bet the Red Wings will go further (conference finals?) than the hawks and the Flyers to take it all. Philly got a taste of it last year and had to watch the cup hoisted in their own building by another team. I would imagine those players are like sharks with blood in the water, just waiting.



New member
Thanks John, I like the word SHARKS in your forecast !!


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New member
Good Call John !!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Boy, it is coming down to the wire, but I think they will make the playoffs by the hair of their chinny, chin, chin. After that? Anyone's guess as anything can happen in the playoffs.


Staff member
Thanks, but not the way I would have preferred it happen. That "beep...beep...beep..." sound you heard last night was them backing into the playoffs.

Good luck to all the teams, some good match ups. Hope we can get some of the Boston-Montreal series up this way. No CBC on my direct tv service. Cable has it.



New member
I was hoping Dallas was gonna win and knock them out, but oh well.

At least the Wings beat them in a good season ender game. :D

Go Red WINGS!!!!


New member
Johns on target !! Wings W Hawks L Roc on suicide watch !! Hockey season just started !!!


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New member
John was right again and it snowed during the whole game ! Great game ,too bad somebody had to lose !!Hard to repeat in any sport with free agency nowadays ! Go SHARKS !! Go JOE PEVELSKI !! X-BADGER !!


New member
Wings wanted it more but Sharks willed themselves to win the series !! GO SHARKS !!


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