Hayward Lakes Area-Sawyer County Trail Conditions

We received about 5-7” of fresh snow last night into today. Temps will continue to drop into the teens through the weekend, which is great news, as we need some ice. Lakes are rough and slushy, please stick to the marked trails.

Groomers are out and will continue to be out through the rest of the week and weekend. The trails were rough after the weekend with the heavy traffic and warm temps that prevented groomers from getting out, so they have been out cutting and smoothing out some of the big moguls and rough spots.

Please be courteous of the groomers. Move over when you see them, drive by at safe speeds, and stay on your side of the trail. Meeting a groomer head on or coming around a corner and riding up into the back of a drag will put a damper on your ride more than anyone else’s. Be smart!

Have a great weekend and ride safe!