Helmet cams


New member
We just got a Contour GPS as a loaner from our Rep... Seems like it is pretty cool after playing with it for a while. Anyone have a Contour?


Well-known member
I have the HD version. I'm happy with it except for the wind noise. I did the mods that were discussed on the contour website which improved it a bit, but not enough to be happy with the sound. Otherwise, good picture. Nice and compact. No wires! make sure you have extra batteries. If you buy the largest available SD card you should be fine for the day. Batteries will be the only thing hindering you.


New member
Cyclenutz.com had them on sale for 125.00 . I don't know if the sale is still valid. Go to his web site and see.


New member
I have a Contour GPS which records your location as you ride and then shows where you were when playing back the video. I like it, though I'm not thrilled with the mounts. It's really hard to get the camera mounted an unmounted, yet it still doesn't hold it very tightly. Shooting at 60 fps is pretty cool though!
I have the Contour 1080p HD..used it one season. my buddy has the standard. My video quality and sound quality is 10x better...i like the small mounts and compact size compared to a GoPro (looks like a donkey di$k stickin off ur helmet). This year i also got Liquid Image Goggles which record in 720p but almost better quality then the Contour and ZERO wind noise. As soon as the snow flies ill try to do a comparison between the 2 cameras. And i agree the contour memory card was ok if u had a big enough one but definatly get a extra battery!


the video was from Januray '11...It was very over cast and snowing that day so its not the best example but this was me just tooling around in the woods waitin on the rest of the group
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