Sold all 5 sets I had. Hated them. Wife hums while riding. Voice activated. Kids and I had to listen to her for miles. SOLD!
Can you turn the voice activation off on any of them, I would probably have some irritated riding buddies after a hundred miles of me singing 80's hair band music to them. Don't really want to listen to them either, but like the idea of being able to talk without having to stop and open helmets Etc.
Pitch the things, they are for folks who can't set their cell phones down.
Maybe yes, maybe no. Personally, when I ride with the fellas I don't use it. When I ride with the gf, it can be a useful tool (as long as she doesn't talk too much, and mine doesn't). Conversations are limited to "gotta stop for a minute", "gotta pee", "sleds coming", "hey, let these guys pass", etc. Gives her a little extra peace of mind. And you know the saying -- if the woman's not happy, nobody's happy.
Thats why I leave her at home.