helmet's with a side by side?


New member
i think this might have been discussed before?.... if you have a side by side with a roll cage, do you have to have a helmet on in the state of michigan? i'm talking about something like a rhino, or a polaris rzr or the brp commander. also alot of the new ones out on the market are wider than the 50in...is this a ticket! i'm looking at maybe buying a new toy to go sight seeing on the legal trails up north.


Active member
Yes you have to wear a helmet in a SxS. Not all the trails in the UP have the width limit of 50 in., the only one I can think of off the top of my head is the "P" trail from Bergland up to Rockland. I'm sure someone will answer your question here or you could e-mail Skip Schultz and ask him, he probly knows forsure.


Well-known member
No, a helmet is not required in a side x side, at least here in Michigan, As long as you are inside the unit & wearing the seatbelt or harness. Now, does this mean you shouldn't, no, if you ride rough house, then you may want to consider it for a safety issue.-Mezz


Active member
oh my mistake, i was told you had to wear a helmet even in a s x s, should be a law if it's not. yea i agree should always wear a hemet anyway.


Active member
thanks for the link mrs.runningbear. looks like a helmet and eye protection on anything(didn't read complete laws just link so could still be wrong), thought it would be strange to have a helmet law for road bikes & not off vehicles. maybe the laws for s x s's are dif. because they have a roll bar?


New member
of course now after looking at the prices they want for the side by sides, i could buy a pretty decent used jeep wrangler and drive it everywhere...kind-of-crazy...i guess....just a toy...


New member
Sorry for not getting back. I was at a place that wouldn't allow me a computer for some time this past month.

See the correct answer was given.

In Michigan you do not have to wear a helmet in a Side by Side, as long as you have a roll cage, and you are wearing your seat belt. You also have to have a windshield. If you don't then you have to have eye protection.

I am sorry to say, but I do not wear a helmet when riding my Ranger. I know I should, and I am a big hypocrite...especially with this coming Saturday's ATV Safety Class for DNR Certification that I'm teaching.

Take care, ride safe, and HAVE FUN riding the hundreds and hundreds of miles of OHV Trails that Mi-TRALE has signed and maintained.
