Help me chose a balaclava!!!!!


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I have the Klim one (same as the yamaha one you linked). I like it except for when it's bitterly cold. Then it isn't warm enough. But it's great when its not too cold and it's held up well also.


The Klim Yama one. The no fog you ahve from powerbandit, gets wet and freezes easy and sticks to your nose and mouth. Had a guy almost die from a panic attach cuz he couldn't breath with one of those things on... kept sticking to his nose and mouth.


New member
underarmor is designed for sports like football, they don't wear goggles and seems like it might lead to fogging, $24 for something that fogs, no thanks.

The power bandit seems like a knit face mask like most used back in the 90's. I like them (knit, never tried the powerbandit) but wondering because I got a much nicer poo knit for $12 and only $8 at fleet farm, so I'd try those first.

I have worn the klim and love it when it's warm enough. If your below zero I'd stay away from it (open faced helmet at all can be cold when it's below zero) but on nice days it works great. Feels tight against skin and I thought it was going to be cold but it's really not.

I was cautious about the Klim as the helmet with windstopper sucked, but the facemask really is great.

When comparing the three, one clearly stands above the rest. Yamaha/Klim


Well-known member
I have both the Underarmor and the Klim balaclava. The underarmoris good but does not come down far enough. I have the same problem with the Klim I wear a thing called a turtle. It just a fleece "tube" about 6" tall and one end has a pull cord in it. You can wear it as a hat if you want but I just wear it around my neck to the bottom of my chin.

The one differance in the Underarmor and the Klim is the Underarmor is more stretchy than the Klim is, very stiff especially when new. The head of the Klim does breath better than the Underarmor. I have not had any problems with fogging since using either one. I have a Cat TXI and I leave the shield open one click.