Here is Why You Should Wear a Mask


Active member
I'll continue to make the decision to not wear a mask. Keeping a safe distance and not sneezing or coughing on anybody works for me.
The county where I live in northern indiana decided to make face masks mandatory when shopping, so I don't spend any money here. The neighboring counties/towns appreciate my business.


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Staff member
The key word is asymptomatic. When exactly will you not be asymptomatic? When the government tells you? I've had no symptoms at all, but, I keep reading/hearing that I might? Negative ghost rider!


New member
The key word is asymptomatic. When exactly will you not be asymptomatic? When the government tells you? I've had no symptoms at all, but, I keep reading/hearing that I might? Negative ghost rider!

The pattern is full, lol.
I'm not a troll, and don't appreciate being called one. Yes, my views on this coronavirus go against the grain with most posters here. However, after watching the above CNN video on how a mask can help, I think they are probably a good thing in a grocery store. It is becoming disrespectful not to wear one.

As far as me saying CNN is the most truthful of the major three cable networks, that statement is backed up by facts. As you can see from this analysis all the networks have some untruths, but by far Fox tells the most lies and the most "pants on fire lies." I'm just telling it the way it is.
See this link.


Well-known member
I'm not a troll, and don't appreciate being called one. Yes, my views on this coronavirus go against the grain with most posters here. However, after watching the above CNN video on how a mask can help, I think they are probably a good thing in a grocery store. It is becoming disrespectful not to wear one.

As far as me saying CNN is the most truthful of the major three cable networks, that statement is backed up by facts. As you can see from this analysis all the networks have some untruths, but by far Fox tells the most lies and the most "pants on fire lies." I'm just telling it the way it is.
See this link.

:highly_amused: Politifact! The "fact-checking" arm of CNN! You DO realize that if your watch is off by a few minutes, but you set it to another watch that's off by a few minutes, that doesn't mean they're both right.... right?


Active member
Great just another way to divide us The Mask wearers are obviously liberal and the non mask wearers are the conservatives.Can we just go back to hating each other because of Politics?


Active member
I'm not a troll, and don't appreciate being called one. Yes, my views on this coronavirus go against the grain with most posters here. However, after watching the above CNN video on how a mask can help, I think they are probably a good thing in a grocery store. It is becoming disrespectful not to wear one.

As far as me saying CNN is the most truthful of the major three cable networks, that statement is backed up by facts. As you can see from this analysis all the networks have some untruths, but by far Fox tells the most lies and the most "pants on fire lies." I'm just telling it the way it is.
See this link.

Yep, if I remember correctly, Anderson Cooper was telling us that we should be worrying more about the regular flu..covid is nothing to be concerned about.


New member
However, after watching the above CNN video on how a mask can help, I think they are probably a good thing in a grocery store. It is becoming disrespectful not to wear one.

If masks WORK, why do businesses need to be closed? If they don’t work, why are we forced to wear them?


Well-known member
However, after watching the above CNN video on how a mask can help, I think they are probably a good thing in a grocery store. It is becoming disrespectful not to wear one.

If masks WORK, why do businesses need to be closed? If they don’t work, why are we forced to wear them?

short answer...Masks work in the proper controlled environment...when necessary. Not for everyday life. We are forced to wear them due to lefty politicians trying to scare you to gain control over your life. They love power
If masks WORK, why do businesses need to be closed? If they don’t work, why are we forced to wear them?

Well it is now a moot point at least in Michigan. Gov Whitmer just laid down the law again and in her wisdom (remains to be seen) extended the stay at home order until May 28th. It appears she even toughened up the mask requirement now making it mandatory in enclosed public spaces.
Here is what the order says on masks.
Rules governing face coverings.(a)Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, any individual able to medically tolerate a face covering must wear a covering over his or her nose and mouth—such as a homemade mask, scarf, bandana, or handkerchief—when in any enclosed public space.

Here is link to the entire latest order. 2020-77.pdf


If masks work so well, then why didn't they just put them on the criminals in jail, rather than let them out of jail because of the Corona virus? Something is missing here. There is as much data out there showing the ineffectiveness of a mask, as there is the effectiveness of a mask. I saw someone the other day wearing one with an exhalation valve on it. What happened to the idea that wearing a mask was to protect others? Something about not wearing a mask was selfish? Not protecting anyone when your breath goes straight out of it through the valve.