High Pressure


Active member
This has been quite a stretch of almost 2 weeks of warm and sunny days and moderate nights in Lower MI and the UP. I believe Friday temps in your area reached the low to mid 80s. I know things are a changing now, and though not record breaking events, this seems to be quite unusual not only for this time of year, but more so to have so many days of sun and warmth in a row.
I'm sure you have noticed this also. Just wondering what are your thoughts on this ?


ps. can you order up a couple more weeks like this in October ?



It has been an unusual stretch of weather and we actually did set a new record high on Friday at 82, shattering the previous record of 74.

The main culpret has been the subtropical energy in the western Atlantic off the coast of the Carolinas. I has created a block in the overall pattern across the eastern US and has resulted in the warm and dry weather. Some of this energy came on shore in the form of a low pressure system on Friday, but looks like there is more left, which means that after a bit of a cool off this week, we could be back to sunny and warm by next weekend.

If I had the powers to make weather, I think I would repeat it through October and early November and then let winter cut loose with both barrels!
