Historical snow


New member

Any ideas or theories regarding the massive increase in reported snowfall over the course of the 20th century? It would seem the avg yearly snowfall went from 130ish inches a year circa 1900-1940s to 210+ 1970s on.

What is this attributable to? Differences in measuring? Actual climate shift?



Staff member
I have a very strong feeling it is the differences in measuring. While I do not know how, when or where the records prior to the 1950's were taken, I suspect that they were only done once a day, so settling would have caused different numbers from what we get with multiple measurements in a 24 hour period (can be up to 4, no closer than 6 hours apart). Also, they might have been measuring in a poor spot, meaning one that could get scoured by winds. In any case, I put very little emphasis in the numbers prior to when the NWS took over, which I believe was in the late 40's. About the only thing I can infer from the previous numbers were up and down years based on that set of numbers.
