Hit a milestone


New member
I surpassed 1.5 million miles in vehicles and towing trailers....not including 150,000 + miles in ATVs sleds and jetskis...thats 60 times around the earth....my MKZ HYBRID just surpassed 250,000 miles and the check engine light came on 1 time since 2011....best vehicle I ever owned and am buying a new one....i highly recommend getting one even if used....so many pluses that they dont advertise or tell anyone about...like no plugging in and 800 miles on one tank...600 miles at 85mph....freaking awesome....how many miles you got in?....i know some of you truckers have more than me...i don't drive for a living so 60 times around the earth is HUGE for me....hope ya'll is well....sledding the COVID TOUR was the bomb...can't wait for COVID TOUR 2021 on me YETI....THE SNAKE KILLER....LMAO ��....peace out snow Brothers


I have amassed 350,000+ miles on motorcycles since I turned 16 in 1981.
Soooo....Not many miles on vehicles. Lol.


Well-known member
well I never really kept track,. but I drove over 50,000 + a yr for about 25 yrs and about 25,000-35000 for another 10+ yrs, last many yrs been driving a LOT less about 15k a yr now a days! (crappy income now doesn't allow for as much joy riding as the old days of working afforded me), and I also DON"T drive for a living, most of my jobs I had I lived under 20 miles away too! so most of my miles have all been on trips travelling and seeing the country every chance I had!

if I was to add in street bikes, atv's sleds, boats, and IF we can add in air miles in, both planes and helicopters , and then add in some of the older ways of getting around, by peddling
as I know as a kid I must have peddles about 3,000+ miles a yr, I rode a peddle powered bike many times 40-60 mile ONE way to get to fishing spots from about 10 yrs old to about 15! and it sure seems like UP hill both ways too HAHA!

SO, I don't have an exact # on miles I have driven or rode, but I am sure its where your at maybe even higher!, as health reasons stopped me from doing that much!

but I always liked driving, and still do, , always felt it was a big country and lots of cool things to see and back roads to travel down!

Longest I recall driving NON stop was about 38 hours too!, my buddy slept the whole trip In think too, would wake up and ask if I wanted him to drive and I knew he SUCKED at driving, so would always tell him NO< I'm fine and keep going!
then again, I have a sleep disorder, that I normally stay awake for a few days at a time, and never required much sleep.
was great when I was younger, allowed me to do so many more things , and even work more jobs and hours
helped me afford all my traveling and toys and adventures,
but now I am older, I sure feel things differently, feels like all them yrs of no sleep and working so many hours, worn me out!
Still don;t sleep for crap, but don't have the energy I used to to do anything anymore!