Home weather Stations


New member
Hi John,

I remember posts in the past about home weather stations here, I just can't remember any details. Do you have any suggestions for a home weather station brand (I have a La Crosse right now, it is not holding up so well). Seems that the on-line reviews for Oregon's are not so good either. Thanks for any tip you can provide.


New member
John is the expert however I have had a Davis Instrument Weather Monitor for years and get along great. My brother got the newer one wiht wireless connectivity 3 years ago and loves it!


Active member
Pardon my sneaking in here ahead of John.
Not to preempt John, but he's probably asleep by this hour, as he gets up at the ungodly hour of 4:00AM or thereabouts.

In any event, I strongly encourage you visit the AmbientWeather web site, and study the weather instruments available there. These folks know the weather instrument business. (Although they are located in Chandler, AZ, they sell only via their web site. Be sure to click where indicated on their web site for instant discount pricing and ordering capability by email!)

For quite a while the Davis Instruments Vantage Series Weather Stations (wired, wireless, normal or fan aspirated, with or without optional solar radiation, UV, soil moisture, soil temperature, and leaf wetness sensors) have been recognized as some of the best, although a full implementation with all the bells & whistles plus mounting and rigging gear, PC interface and software could easily cost over $1000.00 - $1500.00. Omit several of the optional sensors for a better price.

The Vantage Pro2 series is the successor to the earlier Vantage Pro series; the wireless version of the Pro2 was the first weather station in its class to use frequency hopping spread spectrum radio technology to transmit weather data wirelessly "up to 1000' (300 m)", thus resolving a range limitation in the earlier model. (A Wireless fan aspirated Vantage Pro2 has been on my wish list for quite a while.)

I see recent Davis Vantage Pro2 enhancements (that I have not investigated) include models with Internet Protocol (IP) and WiFi connectivity as well. (More $$$.)

However, the recently introduced Davis Vantage Vue product (Made in the USA!) shows promise as an affordable alternative (list price: $355.95). (I'm leaning in that direction!)
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I have a Davis Weather Wizard 2? (can't recall the exact model at the moment), and haven't had any problems with it. I got a LaCrosse system to use for storm spotting so I could have accurate wind measurment and after only a year it has fallen apart! And I bought it direct from the factory here in LaCrosse.
My suggestion, go to eHam.net find the reviews link on the left and find the weather instruments area and read the reviews there from users.


Active member
My suggestion, go to eHam.net find the reviews link on the left and find the weather instruments area and read the reviews there from users.

Thanks for the vector to the (click the link →) weather station reviews at eHam.net, there's some good info there! Click on any individual product and you may find several pages or reviews, look for this indicator for more [Page 1 of 5 —>].
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Staff member
I'm by no means the expert in this subject, but in my experience the only company to even consider is Davis. All of my LaCrosse Technology stuff was junk and I have not heard much good about Oregon Scientific.



New member
Weather Station

My wife just bought me the Honeywell, is it a mistake???? I would rather know now before I get on my roof and mount the sensors!

So should I take it back and get the Davis?

Great topic, maybe a couple weeks late for me though...


Staff member

I do not have any experience with the units from Honeywell. I will say this though, if it seems like you got a "deal" on price, it seems with this type of equipment, you get what you pay for.



Well-known member
Do the solar powered sensors keep working? I have a cheaper unit that has battery powered sensors.(Nice Christmas gift a few years back) The wind unit needs to be up high to be accurate. That thing will never make it through the Winter without needing new batteries. I am not a big fan of climbing up on a snow covered roof in the dead of Winter.


Staff member
I do not have any experience with the solar powered units, so cannot make any comments.



New member
Mine is working fine....

Sorry folks,but my La Cross Technologies Weather Station has been working flawlessly for 7 years. I bought it as a send back from Cabelias[bargain cave] for $100.00. Rain gauge,wind,and direction,reports every 3 minutes. I guess if you need quicker reports, buy the high dollar stuff. I'll buy more gas for UP sno trips.