home weather stations

alley mechanic

New member
hi john, when i was a young boy in eigth grade i was fasinated with the weather so much i built a anamometer and wind vane that i put outside my bedroom window, well my parents bought me a lionel weather station for christmass boy i was in very happy, that weather vane and the anamometer stay on top of the house till i moved out and got married, well i still have a fasination for the weather and now in my 60s i want to get a modertley priced wireless weather station for my home here in indiana do you have any recomendations for a modertly priced home wireless weather station, thank you in advance.

alley mechanic


Staff member
Unfortunately, you get what you pay for when it comes to wireless weather stations. The only one I can recommend with a clear conscience is anything from Davis. They are not outrageously priced, but are more than others.



Active member
I too have had a passion for weather since my teenage years at least, enhanced by hanging out for hours at a time at the old FAA Flight Service Station at Houghton County Airport (CMX) — absorbing all I could about aviation weather — during my years at Michigan Tech.

I would strongly recommend you visit (click →) Ambient Weather and look at the available options, they are about the best source there is for weather instruments.

Be sure to check out their (click →) Weather Station Purchase Guide, and their (click →) Weather Station Consumer Comparison Guide. See also their (click →) "Weather Station Mounting Solutions".

But first, I agree completely with John's recommendation concerning Davis.

As for myself, for a decade or more I have been lusting after the (click →) "Davis Instruments 6153 Wireless Vantage Pro2 Weather Station with Fan-Aspirated Radiation Shield", for my purposes, that's clearly the "top of the line", but a tad pricey; by the time you add an appropriate mounting solution, you'll probably drop a "Kruggerand" or more. :)eek:)

There are many more affordable options available. In addition to those from Davis, Ambient Weather's own products are worth considering. As a matter of fact, ol' Santa Claus finally got weary of my begging for the Davis 6153, and left the (click →) "Ambient Weather WS-1400-IP OBSERVER Solar Powered Wireless Internet Remote Monitoring Weather Station" under my Christmas tree this year. I haven't got it installed yet, but that's on my "round tuit" list for this spring.
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A Kruggerand is only worth $457 bucks???? Sure am glad I didn't get caught up in the gold rush.


Active member
A Kruggerand is only worth $457 bucks???? Sure am glad I didn't get caught up in the gold rush.

I said: "… by the time you add an appropriate mounting solution, you'll probably drop a "Kruggerand" or more."

I guess I should have mentioned that I was considering a fairly extreme mounting solution, consistent with "Weather Station Siting and Installation Tools" (PDF; "You may find it difficult or impossible to meet these standards"), plus many other goodies that are available, like the WeatherLink Data Logger and Virtual Weather Station Internet Edition, etc. etc. It all adds up.

And of course you can go full-tilt apeshіt overboard; the sky's the limit, see the (click →) WeatherHawk 29302 621 Wireless Weather Station (be sure to click on all of the options as well). That should take care of a Kruggerand (or 3 or 4)¹ for ya. :p

(¹ Kruggerand spot price at close on February 26, 2016: $1,265.09)