This is from Biskits Closet
Friday November 20th 2009
Just when I thought things were going to slow down a little, another devastating blow is delivered. But that is okay. We will always come together to help out one of our own. Call them a member of Biskit’s Army if you want. I call them my friends and my friends need your help. We as snowmobiler’s have always been caring people. We care about the environment, the areas we ride, the people we meet and the volunteers that help make the sport great. We don’t care about the anti’s or folks that take advantage of our sport, but we never wish harm to them. Steve and Pat Evans from the Strongs General Store lost there house Wednesday afternoon. They are the kind we care about. While it was a beautiful day for all of us, it was a devastating one for them. Pat was working the store at the time. Steve was in the house. When he noticed that a fire had started, he had enough time to grab some personal pictures and a hand full of clothes. Everything else is gone. I have been thanking God for the last two nights that no one was harmed or injured. Personal property can be replaced. True friends cannot. Even the two dogs, Trouble and Rusty survived. Steve and Pat both were very instrumental in helping the area get a local grooming operation. Steve donated many nights, for many years helping keep the trails smooth. Pat donated many nights, for many years working the store while Steve groomed. She also donated many delicious meals that were served at local snowmobiling events and functions. Both was to kind and had to big of a heart to accept money for there time and service toward our sport. All this from folk’s who didn’t even have a business on the snowmobile trail. Many people except themselves profited off of there countless hours of dedication. Absolutely wonderful people. So with that said, I would like to ask you to either give Steve and Pat a call at 906-274-5558 to see what they need or send them a check or money order to the following address. This address I have provided is the Strongs General Store’s address. Strongs Michigan doesn’t have a post office anymore, so all mail is routed through Eckerman MI. If you don’t know what to send, then give them a call or drop them a card. The Store is still open seven days a week. They open at 7 a.m.
Strongs General Store
29322 W. M-28
Eckerman, MI.
Many of us ride this area, some of us know Steve and Pat personally, they have given alot to snowmobiling in the Eastern UP, Please help them out if you can
Thanks Bradzoo
Friday November 20th 2009
Just when I thought things were going to slow down a little, another devastating blow is delivered. But that is okay. We will always come together to help out one of our own. Call them a member of Biskit’s Army if you want. I call them my friends and my friends need your help. We as snowmobiler’s have always been caring people. We care about the environment, the areas we ride, the people we meet and the volunteers that help make the sport great. We don’t care about the anti’s or folks that take advantage of our sport, but we never wish harm to them. Steve and Pat Evans from the Strongs General Store lost there house Wednesday afternoon. They are the kind we care about. While it was a beautiful day for all of us, it was a devastating one for them. Pat was working the store at the time. Steve was in the house. When he noticed that a fire had started, he had enough time to grab some personal pictures and a hand full of clothes. Everything else is gone. I have been thanking God for the last two nights that no one was harmed or injured. Personal property can be replaced. True friends cannot. Even the two dogs, Trouble and Rusty survived. Steve and Pat both were very instrumental in helping the area get a local grooming operation. Steve donated many nights, for many years helping keep the trails smooth. Pat donated many nights, for many years working the store while Steve groomed. She also donated many delicious meals that were served at local snowmobiling events and functions. Both was to kind and had to big of a heart to accept money for there time and service toward our sport. All this from folk’s who didn’t even have a business on the snowmobile trail. Many people except themselves profited off of there countless hours of dedication. Absolutely wonderful people. So with that said, I would like to ask you to either give Steve and Pat a call at 906-274-5558 to see what they need or send them a check or money order to the following address. This address I have provided is the Strongs General Store’s address. Strongs Michigan doesn’t have a post office anymore, so all mail is routed through Eckerman MI. If you don’t know what to send, then give them a call or drop them a card. The Store is still open seven days a week. They open at 7 a.m.
Strongs General Store
29322 W. M-28
Eckerman, MI.
Many of us ride this area, some of us know Steve and Pat personally, they have given alot to snowmobiling in the Eastern UP, Please help them out if you can
Thanks Bradzoo