How are conditions in Iron River Michigan and north?


New member
Hello. Just wondering how the conditions are from the American Inn in Iron River on the grade? Also how are they heading north from the grade to Sidnaw or Kenton? Trying to plan a trip to the area but unsure of the snow conditions right now. Thanks for the info.
Last weekend Iron River had all their trails in good shape.....saw their groomer 3 times in 2 days ! They could cut down the stutter bumps on 107 a little better though. Groomer went through and 3 sleds it was bumpy again.


Well-known member
Rode that area last Saturday. High traffic day and they were grooming mid-day. Problem was after approximately 1 mile behind the groomer you couldn't tell a groomer had even been there. If I wouldn't have seen it myself I wouldn't have believed the groomer was even out.

With that said. Even on a Saturday the trails were good in my opinion. Definitely good enough to ride. With the colder temps here now I think the trails should be even better. Case in point. I rode trail 15 north from Sidnaw to L'Anse last Saturday and it was mesed up. Lots of choppy sections and some moguls. This area in particular is called the pipeline. Last night this same section was entirely different. MUCH BETTER!