How are the gardens doing


Well-known member
How are everybodys gardens doing, mine hardly grew at all in June do to the cold weather, but really took off in July, I am getting beans, onions, tomatos, and have some cucumbers about ready to pick. My beans are as high as I have ever seen and would be a lot higher if the fence was higher, my tomatos got to about 6 feet high but had some wind damage, they bent over where the tomato cage stopped. I should have lots of produce for the next 6 to 8 weeks.


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Super Moderator
Staff member
That's a nice plot there, far better than mine. Last year my tomatos were enormous, this year not so much. This season the peppers and sunflowers are abundant for us, each has been braced with poles to keep from tipping over. Cucumbers and beans are looking good and you can smell the onions when you walk through the gate.

One good thing to come of all this heat & humidity, the gardens are growing like mad!



Well-known member
Gardens doing great, unfortunately so are the mosquitoes. After picking raspberries at my parents I thought I might need a blood transfusion.


New member
Ah, yes...the tamader garden.....accidently found a cuke day before yesterday and boy it was sweet and juicy and not a hint of bitterness....jist the way they should be.

Tormado's love heat....and the sweet one hundreds have been prolific and rippening rapidly...I knew I should have planted more of them.

Beans are coming strong and peppers will be plentiful.....I over did it on them this year.

Didn't bother wit carrots....dang ground hogs work them over too much, combined with a wet spring I just said nuts.....not too late for some taters to find some good seed.

Had a great crop of asparagustus...this year. Can't hardly kill that stuff.

Bees didn't make it thru the winter tho....first time in 40 years bees to help pollinate the orchard. Could tell too....the cherries aren't as full as they used to be....danged beekeepers who move hives...blame it all on them.