How do clubs thank landowners?


New member
Currently our club has a landowners banquet every spring to thank our landowners for allowing us to have our trails on their land. Typically we have about 90 to 100 landowners attend with a cost of $18 per plate. So every year we drop around $2K on this banquet. Currently it is a sit down meal with two meats so we could save a little here or there but I am looking for other ideas that I can take back to the club to consider for next year. We don't want to go cheap as ALL of our trails is on private land.



Well-known member
Our club sends each landowner a thank you and a gift cert. to be used at a local business that supports our club. You need to be a business that is a club member to be included in this. Along with the gift cert. is a question regarding weather or not the trail is ok to cross their land again the following year. It seems to work for us.


New member
My club is down in Roscoe, IL. We have 20 or so land owners I think. We give them a large ham each year just before Christmas, delivered to their homes by club members. Trust me, they look for these coming there way every year. We also started a pancake breakfast fundraiser last year in April and invite all the landowners to come have breakfast on us. A number of them showed up to the breakfast and really appreciated being invited. Most of us do not know many of the landowners, so it gave us an opportunity to say thanks in person. The simple things like these 2 examples work for us to keep our relationships strong.


New member
Our club has an annual Chicken-Q fundraiser and we send our landowners a thank you with a certificate for two free chicken dinners.


New member

Our club does 2 things for our landowners in april we have a dinner (KFC and the members bring a dish to pass) and at christmas we give them $20.00 to use in town. The april dinner also has cash drawings and free cocktails for the landowners.


New member
Our club has a dinner dance for club members and landowners. We share the expense with another club and their landowners. The money that pays for the landowner comes from our club. Landowners are guests. Members pay their own way. People who aren't in a club should be very thankfull we do this. Most landowners like this, some just say thanks but don't come. We are looking into sending gift cards to those who choose not to come. Alot of work goes into that one night, but in the end, it's a fun night and signals the end of the season.


New member
Our club also does the hams to the land owners before christmas. Some always say that we don't need to do it but they don't need to let us ride on their land either. Some also say how good the hams are but things always taste better when you didn't have to buy it...LOL..We had one land owner this past year tell us that we didn't need to give him a ham and we insisted that we wanted to. He let us know that the ham would be donated to his local church to help people less fortunate than us for the holidays. Needless to say I felt really good pulling out of that driveway knowing that my time spent delivering hams to land owners for a sport that i love would now help people less fortunate.
We formerly had a spring Landowner's Banquet, but not everyone could make it. The past 2 years, we have a local butcher/cheese shop put together boxes of assorted sausages & cheeses, which the trail bosses & helpers personally deliver to each landowner in April. The landowners tell us this is very much appreciated. We spend about $25 per gift box, or $2000 each year. A few landowners have dietary issues, so we give them a gift certificate to a local restaurant.


New member
We have about 150 landowners and we have a sit down banquet each year. We typically have about 100 attend, and it costs us around $2,000 to put on. We are looking at going to possibly have a catered dinner instead to provide something that the landowners might better appreciate (possibly an outdoor venue). It is always difficult to find a time when the farmers can make time to come to a dinner. We usually have ours in April.


New member
Our Club ((USE TO)) use the local ball room and club members would serve them Chicken dinner with beef tips prepaired by the ball room the club would do all the waiting and cleaning .. after we would go and pull trail sighns down .. last year we set up the bbq pit and cooked out at the club shed I missed out on it but we cooked Chicken and i think burgers and all the fixings From what I heard It worked out great and no complaints .. Dont Know About this year yet ..