How Does 2011 Nov-Dec Snowfall Rank In UPMI History?


Well-known member
Since we at in the new year it is time to ask the offical snowfall question. Where does 2011 Nov-Dec Snowfall rank in UPMI history?????


I would think on the poopy side, I think poopy is official. Kinda like a big rotten poopy diaper baking in the sun wrapped up in a garbage bag with someone walking up to it not knowing what it was and opening it up, looking inside and taking a big wif. That's how Nov and Dec snowfall was, a real disgusting disaster. Now that's my official report! We could probably get a BIT more scientific citing statistics and all but why bother,,,poopy describes it best.

I just realized this was in the ask Jd section,,,sorry LOL. I don't think JD will endorse my description very well, but than again,,,,,,,,,
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Active member
Come on Lenny, quit holden back-tell us how you really feel. Remember new year=new snow!


Staff member
Believe it or not, for my locale, it is 70-75% of average. The biggest issue has been the thaws we have had. It's not unusual to have a thaw or two early in the month, but it seemed like every time we got snow, a few days later we were melting it.

I was just telling some friends that if we would not have lost any of the snow we have picked up so far this season (around 65") then we would have a really good base up here. As it stands we have an OK base. Basically we seem to be about 3 weeks behind in our snow cover. What we have now is more typical of the second week of December.

If course this is for my location in the UP. Other areas have been less fortunate- especially the central and eastern UP, but they are starting to come back too. I won't have the actual data for other areas in the UP until later in the month, when the NWS sends it out.

Things can change in a hurry though! Hopefully part of such a change is just getting ready to unfold in the next few hours.



Johny, you got me all wound up my brotha, I love snow and want lots more of it!


Staff member
Johny, you got me all wound up my brotha, I love snow and want lots more of it!

I know Bud, it's been almost a full year since we had deep, fresh snow to play in. Almost unheard of in our necks of the woods.



New member
If you think it's bad where you are at try living in in the southern 2/3rd's of Minnesota. It is just unbelievable how "poopy" it has been. :(
Or Central Wisconsin. We have had the eastern version of Poopy that SE MN has had. We just got enough to cover the lawn in town!! Drive out into the farmlands, and there is basically nothing there. Man!!!