HAHA< well Tracker, your 2 months off deal this yr sure isn;t holding water ion my area<br> were having one of the most traditional winters in the past decade or more<br> have had cold and snow down since dec<br> as a fact its the first winter in 5+ yrs that local trails have been open for more than 5 days in a row, and there going on a few weeks of being open right now<br> best season in decade or more!<br><br> I have 2+ ft of snow down , it is raining lightly today and everything is getting coated with ice, and calling for mid 40's tomorrow, so might loose a little, but rest of week is back to cold and calling for more snow here!<br><br> so, winter being 2 months off><br> Not this yr here!<br><br>and I don't think so much as in global warming, I just think were all seeing a lot of ODD weather, were in MY life time, things were normally more predictable and reliable in certain seasons<br> <br> you used to be able to count on things, that just don't be as reliable any more!<br><br>now you just deal with what ever when ever be in warm in winter or cold in summer?<br><br>