How many PICKS and what length?

Hi John,

Huge fan, have been visiting site religiously for years. I recently totaled my F1000 into a tree in Gran Marais Mn. in april of this year. I bought a crated O7 Jag on ebay because it was really cheap and I thought it was worth a try. I was wanting to pick it and had no idea the amt and height on the picks. Please help!

Kevin Hutnick
Valparaiso In.


Not to step on John's toes here but I bet you get more info if you post this in tech talk.


Hi Kevin.

This is really out of my field of experience/expertise. For the riding I do, studs are not needed, so I have never studded any of my tracks.

Scott is right, I would post this one in the Tech Talk and you should get lots of feedback.

Sorry I could not be of more help.
