How much land is needed to hunt Deer?


New member
Just wondering I can't find any rules for WI, concerning how much land is needed to hunt. I thought our development rules said no hunting, but now I look and see it's pretty vague.

Neighbor 3 lots over just asked me if it was alright to enter my land to retrieve a deer he may shoot this coming season. So if he shoots a deer on his land and it stumbles over to my lot can he come and get it. My answer was yeah, I dont want to deal with it. Especialy since I may not find it for a long time, weeks or months.

But the deal is.. most of us have 2 acre lots, 150' wide, now he is on the end and has some more, maybe 4 acres but still a skinny lot, and 60% of his lot is swamp.

I want to know who is going to stop the bullets at 150' ? Seems nutz to me to think of hunting on such a small piece of land. But I'm not a hunter.


New member
Not familiar with Minne rules, but in Michigan you can hunt on a postage stamp sized piece if you don't break local township rules and use the proper caliber bullet. However we do have rules about shooting toward residential areas, and you must be a "safe" distance, and be sure your projectiles don't carry toward those areas. It is also illegal to discharge hunting equipment within 400 feet of a home or residential building.

I would explain to the guy that it would make you (or anyone else frankly) very nervous to have bullets whizzing around your place. So he should restrict the direction of where he is shooting. If he is a decent fellow and conscious of safety at all...he will more than likely tell you that he would do just that for HIS own good, as I am sure he would not want to kill or injury anyone.

As far as swamps are concerned, they make good deer hideouts during deer season...the thicker the better.

BTW if he is shooting a shotgun, rather than a rifle, unless something unusual happens, ricochet, or other bizarre event, his range with it would be about 100 yards. While it packs a wallop at close range the velocity would drop very fast. A larger caliber deer rifle, however and carry 2 miles or more.


New member
He is hunting with a gun no idea what kind though.
So far all I can find in Wi there must be no rules to size of property.

There is a 40 acre woods and 60 acre farm right in front of us and see people hunting them all the time. And we can get permission to hunt that land, both have been offered to all of us before. Those owners don't hunt there and our development lets them use our road, So they let us use their land to hunt as long as they know when.

But 150' lots would seem to be crazy, it''ll be hard to get 400' from any house. Maybe the far corner of the swamp is where he is planning to sit.
Sounds like he's just being a responsible hunter and asking permission to pursue onto your land prior to the hunt. Hopefully he has enough brains not to discharge his weapon on your property. Beside's in the state regs there should be a statement like it is unlawful to discharge a weapon X amount from a occupied dwelling. I think its like 300 feet or something like that. He better plan on following that regulation. You may want to impress upon him that he is not to discharge his weapon on your land if that's what you wish. A call over to the local township may be helpfully to understand the regs locally as well.


New member
If his lot is 2 acres, and 150 wide, then technically it would compute to 580 feet deep assuming rectangular, never mind he has 4 acres more at the end of the lot, he would be well within the rules to hunt the end of his property. Technically,.....

But from a practical standpoint that isn't a very big piece to hunt, and it isn't very likely it will produce unless the lot is a "pass thru" from bedding to feeding, or he baits.

Doesn't sound like he is going to do much shooting....


New member
Yeah 150 x 500 something is about right, and theirs has another long strip. So it's "L" shaped that's where the extra acres are. Still narrow in that space though.

If I decided to start hunting that's not what I would do though. Chasing a deer down and asking for permission every 150' sounds stupid. Guess you have to hope to drop them on the spot. Since I've never hunted deer I have no idea how often they have to be tracked down.

The lot after me, I bet will say no. It's going to be deer roulet, if it falls on 4-5-6, go get it, 7 leave it there, 8's ok, 9 no. Maybe will paint the driveways red and black.