Cool X2
Being a fan of our space program over the years, I remember this also. Don't you guy's watch " Ancient Aliens " ? One of my favorites. With that being said, .... I read this article and happened to read that the batteries should last until 2020 ! Just wondering what kind of batteries they have ? Where I work we are making components for the Chevy Volt batteries. ( You know the ones where the car catches on FIRE ) Seems like NASA has had this tech for about 40 years .....
Regarding the come and get us ( good 1 boondocker ), well any encounter with a superior civilization or species would be bad for mankind. Just look what we do to each other.....
I remember the moon landings , we used to watch in school, then the skylab, when I was young I would send NASA letters, they would send me back posters & info regarding space programs. That's when America was great.... ( JIMO )
Hey I hope they sent along a " turn table " to play that record on.
Just another one of my " Seinfeld " posts.... alot of verbage about nothing. Pretty much what my head is filled with.