Hurley to Lake Namekagon


New member
We are heading up to Hurley next weekend and would like ot ride to Lake Namekagon, I would like information from anyone who has done it. Best route, quickest route, How long it should take, Any help would be great. We are actually staying near island lake... Thanks for the help!


Well-known member
short cuts

take the gile flowage south to clam lk then to lk namakagen 30 miles maybe?


New member
It's been a while since I did that run. I thought corridor 8 runs from mercer all the way to Lake Namekagon. I thinks its close to a 100mi. run on that route. Otherwise another good route to take is through the iron belt.


Well-known member
clam lk

dilly , gota dig out some old maps but it is all marked trails even the flowage is sticked


Well-known member
clam lk

get a iron cty map at the bp the trail goes behind the bp down to the flowage then 13 to 11a to15 to 9 then 8 is a corridor that goes to clam lk then nam lk be shure to get a map lots of feeder trails ,not sure how many miles but i could make hurley to down town hayward on 1 tank have fun