Huron-Manistee National Forest Decision - Not what was asked for, but not bad.


New member
Looks like we get to keep our existing trails in the National Forests of Huron-Manistee. Also get to keep hunting there. But the Forest Service chose Alt. 4, which will re-designate 11 of the 14 management areas. I'm not sure what the redesignation will mean. Anyone else have a take on this?

Sounds like a win, for the most part.


Active member
Sounds like good news...but with lawyers and politics involved, who knows?! :confused:

Glad you posted this...I was wondering what the outcome was!


New member
Actually the option they choose is a good one as it takes away the semi-primitive non-motorized label from two of the areas and "aligns it with the current uses" which include snowmobiling and hunting. All things considered it's a great outcome. When I talked to the FS in the fall they felt this was the option that would survive any challenges the most. Here is the email I received today, it mentions them receiving over 11,000 comments in all, wow:

Dear Stakeholder:

The Record of Decision for the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (FSEIS) and Amendment 1 to the 2006 Land and Resource Management Plan for the Huron-Manistee National Forests was signed by the Regional Forester, Charles L. Myers, January 27, 2012.

The FSEIS document was developed at the direction of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit which identified deficiencies in how the Forest Service revised the 2006 Land and Resource Management Plan. In the Record of Decision, the Forest Service explains how it has addressed those deficiencies.

In summary, the Regional Forester has selected Alternative 4 (the Preferred Alternative) as the Selected Alternative. Under the Selected Alternative, the Forest Service will:

• Continue to allow gun hunting in the previously designated Semiprimitive Nonmotorized and Primitive areas of the Huron-Manistee National Forests in accordance with regulations of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.

• Continue to allow snowmobiling on designated trails within the Huron-Manistee National Forests.

• Change Management Area designation of 11 of the 13 previously designated Semiprimitive Nonmotorized Areas to Management Area 8.4 (Special Areas). The existing Standards and Guidelines for Management Area 6.1 (Semiprimitive Nonmotorized) would continue to apply to these 11 new 8.4 Special Area Management Areas as outlined in the Record of Decision.

• Change Management area designation of two previously designated Semiprimitive Nonmotorized Areas (Manistee River and Whitewater Creek) to Management Area 4.2 (Roaded Natural Sandy Plains and Hills). The areas will be managed under the Standards and Guidelines for Management Area 4.2.

• Retain the Management Area 5.1 (Wilderness) designation for the Nordhouse Dunes Wilderness Area.

• Change the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum classifications for all of the 14 challenged areas to match their current condition, as described in the Record of Decision.

The specific rationale behind the Selected Alternative is fully explained in the Record of Decision. Appendix A of the Record of Decision shows how the Selected Alternative will change the 2006 Forest Plan.

We invite you to view the Record of Decision and associated documents on the Huron-Manistee National Forests’ website: The published documents will be available in March and mailed to all people who previously requested a copy. If you have not previously requested a copy, you may request a copy by calling the Forest Supervisor’s Office at
(231) 775-2421.

Once the documents have been released to the public, a Notice of Availability will be published in the Federal Register and the newspaper of record, which will begin a 45-day appeal period. We will notify the public by news release and website posting when the Notice of Availability has been published.

If you have any questions regarding the Record of Decision or the FSEIS, you may contact my public affairs officer, Kenneth Arbogast, at (231) 775-5023, Ext. 1+8726, or

I would like to thank all of you who participated in this process, either by attending a public meeting or submitting written comments. We received more than 11,000 comments in all. This reflects the very high level of interest and deep concern that people have for the management of the Huron-Manistee National Forests.


Forest Supervisor


New member
Thank you fredster for the information. As we all can see, They powers that make our laws understand numbers. Numbers = voters. Join MSA at and help the Michigan trail system grow and protect our rights as snowmobilers. The magazine they send you is worth the membership alone.


Active member
Thank you fredster for the information. As we all can see, They powers that make our laws understand numbers. Numbers = voters. Join MSA at and help the Michigan trail system grow and protect our rights as snowmobilers. The magazine they send you is worth the membership alone.

Because of this issue and PR1's positive comments about the MSA, I joined. Even bigdaddy reads the mag!

Thanks, fredster, for the post!


New member
Fredster, I agree that alt. 4 is good, but the MSA sent me a letter last fall, asking that I give my input and back Alt 3. So I'm just wondering why Alt 3 was even better than Alt 4.

Either way, we get to keep our existing trails.



New member
Regarding alternatives 3 and 4, here was what is posted on the MSA website (and the FS went with Alt #4):

"ALTERNATIVE # 3 Change management area designation to align with the current uses of the areas. Basically, if you like how things are right now and want that to be the management goal for these 14 areas, this alternative is probably for you. This alternative allows snowmobiling and all firearm use to continue as is. The areas in question should be defined as Semi-Primitive Motorized areas, and kept open to snowmobiling and firearm hunting.

ALTERNATIVE # 4. Change management area designation and manage to provide a less roaded recreation experience. This is the USFS’s preferred alternative, which also allows all snowmobiling and firearm hunting to continue as is. However, the new goal for these 14 areas would be to continue to reduce road mileage density in many of the areas. This alternative negatively impacts both snowmobilers and fire arm hunters."

When I attended the Forest Service meeting in the fall, the FS folks thought MSA was being a bit extreme by only wanting alternative 3, and they were concerned that 3 would possibly be challenged by lawsuits as most of the "semi-primitive non-motorized areas" are OK as they are - there are really only a couple in dispute. Changing all of the them to motorized would likely generate additional lawsuits. Also they did not feel that alternate 4 would eliminate any trails or roads. If anything they said it might result in some of the SPNM areas being reduced in size so the designated use wasn't infringed upon (like if an existing road is on the boundary of the area, the road would stay but the boundary would be moved away from the road).

They plan to recategorize two of the SPNM areas to align with the current uses, so there is no impact to the trail system, or hunting. I don't see the outcome as being bad in any way. The FS is trying to make the point that they were not going to take away existing uses of the forest, instead they are aligning the designation with the uses involved.

There will be 45 day comment period so keep the cards and letters coming!!!