Hyfax miles


I would say anywhere between 500 miles and 6500 miles. That’s what I have had with different kinds of sleds in the past.

Team Elkhorn

Heat is what wheres them out. If you keep them in the snow,(and out of snirt,) they will almost last forever.


New member
I change mine every year because the sand,rocks,dirt get embedded in the plastic and ware out the track clips.So just because they look good they might be bad.


New member
I think raceinsnows got it. A few times after I removed the high fax I did cross cuts to check actual thickness in the high stress areas. You need to check them real close, more so for those who dive into the shoulders for more snow. There are allways high and low spots especially on the inside edges. High fax take a ton of abuse and may look good and still need replacing. Also proper track tension is essential for long wear.


Depends where and how you ride. I have a 04 Firecat with 2500 miles on the original ones. the used 08 Crossfire I purchased last spring with 423 miles on it needed to be replaced. original owner rode in low slow all the time.


Well-known member
I've got 5400 miles on my set with a 2" paddle track. Was going to replace them this fall but looked them over and they are still excellent. Keys to long life are good snow and track tension. I run my track as loose as I can without racheting and always have good snow to ride in.


New member
I replaced after 6100 miles. They definetly wore uneven though. Just check along the entire length. If you ride in snow they last a long time.

If you wear through to the rails, you need to replace, thats how I look at it! I asked someone when to replace a track, they responded "when it falls off!!!" haha ...just thought that was funny!


I replaced my track toward the end of the season last year! I jumped out on a lake and hammered it. A mile or two into it and I was coasting!
So ditto when it falls off! Look ma, No brakes. Glad it didn't come off in the woods. I can't believe it didn't take out my heat exchanger.

Deleted member 10829

I replaced mine at 7,000 miles, only because I was replacing the track. The hifax still had many miles left on them. I find that hifax will wear in certain areas more than others and people panic. My experience has been they can wear to a certain point in higher contact areas and then they don't wear much more after that. Different sleds make a difference too as I've noticed alot of Yamaha guys don't get many miles out of their hifax.


New member
I agree with mspease,i have almost 5000 miles on my originals.Probably replace them next year unless they still look like they do now.