I am just Wondering,


New member
anytime psindust, i see you are from johnny creek, i have some relatives over that direction, possibly gonna ride those trails for the weekend, how are they and how about the boulder river that joins up with the crab river to the south, usually they are great hopefully same with the cold weather


New member
anytime psindust, i see you are from johnny creek, i have some relatives over that direction, possibly gonna ride those trails for the weekend, how are they and how about the boulder river that joins up with the crab river to the south, usually they are great hopefully same with the cold weather

I have not been on the land trails as of yet, but the rivers are fantastic, been up the crawfish as far as Astico and on the rock just down to Jefferson, some friends and I are gonna ride the river down to the snow cross at the Jefferson fair grounds on Saturday, should be a good time. You gonna be there?