I bought a harley style bike, what to do to it?


Well-known member
So i purchased a 2006 yamaha v-star 1100 (or as i call it a harley knock-off)last year to just turn and re-sell. Well after riding it a few times i am hooked and have decided to keep it. I have owned enduros for my last three bikes/6-7 years and love them but this thing is a whole new animal. So I guess my question is for all of you harley/cruiser type guys is, what do i do with it? I want a set of saddlebags, a backrest for the wife and a set of highway pegs. I'm really not into the frilly and studded look. So what else do i need to get or what else do i need to know about what i think just might be my new hobby.....Thanks!!!


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New member
You need a set of good rain gear for both you and your wife along with a good pair of water proof boots for both of you. The picture of your bike shows a wind shield but little else to keep you dry. It don't take long to get wet and miserable in a light shower. The other thing if you like riding it a lot, to extend the riding time in the fall is to consider Gerbing heated clothing and gloves, this makes riding in 50 degree weather pleasent. Unlike snowmobiling, 50 is cold on a bike.


New member
i have a fatboy which is like what you have and yes you need bags .for sure if the wife is going to go and maybe a luggage rack also .i put on a detachable backrest with a rack on when the wife goes and can take it off when iam alone .i would put on a crashbar with pegs .they make covers that go over the bars that help keep your boots dry .for the bags i like the ridged kind. the soft ones over time look like a old pair of nuts hanging there .pick up some chaps for when its cooler or raining .floor boards are nice for both of you .the more comfy she is the the longer you can go and the more fun for for you .she sits real close to your ears .but not bad looking for rice grinder .just had to get that one in there in case my buddys read this .have fun .


New member
You need one of theses.......hit the road and see the land we have many colors in stock....give us ashout when your ready..........

<iframe width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/IyCJtAnPNQc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Well-known member
dont be afraid to buy leather saddle bags, as long as they are the thick/hard leather. i have a set on my bike that held up fine and this year will make 26 years that they have been used.
definately go with foot pegs and back rest
nice bike, have fun!


New member
Very sharp bike, style of bags are endless. One thing I might add is most windshields are to high, you should be able to look over it when seated, not through it. Easy to cut down if need be.


Well-known member
Thanks for the help!!! I have been looking at saddlebags and my head is spinning from looking at so many, but i think i am going to go with these bleow. They have a quick release system you can buy for them which i like. Then i only gotta have them on the bike when i'm going on long hauls. I figured i would catch a little guff from the for real harley guys but when you get a bike like mine for $3000 with only 1600 miles on it you can't really go wrong!!


P.S. Do you really need to worry about getting highway pegs with heel rests or are just regular highway pegs fine?


New member
Foot pegs with fold out heel supports are not that much more then ones with out and they look the same when folded in. It is worth the few extra dollars for the added convenience. The cheapest on line store is cruiserstuff.com


New member
I have my pegs where I rest my toes on the peg and have my heel on the front of the floor board. Has always been the most comfortable for me. A set of lowers is always nice for cold weather riding and if your bike is anything like my Honda a mustang seat is highly recommended.
1st thing you need to do is go out and get some brass balls, because you're gunna fight alot unless you got a passive attitude towards "fake harley-riceburner" comments. im unfortunatly tempermental towards such. ive been to jail twice and had a brokin jaw also. on the plus side, its made me a better fighter!


New member
1st thing you need to do is go out and get some brass balls, because you're gunna fight alot unless you got a passive attitude towards "fake harley-riceburner" comments. im unfortunatly tempermental towards such. ive been to jail twice and had a brokin jaw also. on the plus side, its made me a better fighter!

I view the" fake" harley look a little bit alikes as a compliment to HD. You don’t see HD, Victory, Indian trying to make Jap. Look a likes. That is a nice looking bike anyways. I started on a Honda Shadow ACE. Went to HD and never looked back. Don’t pump a lot of money into the bike on accessories you will not get it back at resale.


Well-known member
Thanks for the help!!! I have been looking at saddlebags and my head is spinning from looking at so many, but i think i am going to go with these bleow. They have a quick release system you can buy for them which i like. Then i only gotta have them on the bike when i'm going on long hauls. I figured i would catch a little guff from the for real harley guys but when you get a bike like mine for $3000 with only 1600 miles on it you can't really go wrong!!


P.S. Do you really need to worry about getting highway pegs with heel rests or are just regular highway pegs fine?

Sweet deal!
I bought my 85 honda in 87 for $1200 with saddle bags and helmets and am still riding it, hope to drag it out of the barn tonight and see if it'll start like it has the last 24 years. I'm hoping to hand it down to my 12yr old son in a few years and then look for a deal like yours!
I like riding my friends harley's but I would enjoy one like that just as much and you would have a hard time trying to beat your deal when buying a harley! Is it really worth paying 3-4 times as much for the name on the bike?