I forgot the link


New member
A couple years back while pawing around the site I found a great link to a bunch of great pics of sun dogs and halos, along with the whys they were formed.

Getting old and lost it and could John or one of you folks aim me to it.

And THANKS for the site John.


Active member
Sun dogs & halos

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]These are probably not the ones you're thinking of, but Sharon Smith (of Copper Harbor) has a number of outstanding pictures among the Earth Science Picture of the Day collection. For those of you who might have missed them, here they are. (Although only Spectacular Copper Harbor Sunset (#5 below) is a candidate for Best of 2009) some are sun pillars and/or sun dogs:

1. June 22, 2007 Copper Harbor Pillar
2. February 12, 2008, Copper Harbor Virga
3. September 09, 2008, Pillar Above Brockway Mountain
4. November 18, 2009, Spectacular Copper Harbor Sunset
5. December 18, 2009, Snowdrift on Keweenaw, Michigan

You can use the search box at the top of the Earth Science Picture of the Day web page to find more! [/FONT]