Not sure about current laws, but a few years back, the same thing happened to me. We invested the initial payouts (1/3) of the life insurances, and annuity my mother had set up with double indemnity. Meaning if she passed prior to age 75 the annuity would double. So when she passed at 72, we invested just south of 1 million for each of 3 of us. No taxes initially, but were required to take so much each year from your account based on your age. At that time we had to pay regular tax no inheritance. No penalty since it was under 1 million. After investing roughly 900K I continued to take required amount pay the tax based on your normal annual income + the amount required. Then I would reinvest the remaining into a separate account. I continue to do this yet today. Then came the estate. Once the house and belongings all sold we received roughly another 50K each. I used this money to pay off all debt, and placed the remaining money into a regular liquid investment that I can use like a savings account, but with better returns. Been living debt free ever since,. Coincidently made some very good investments back in 2008 - 2009 and was able to make some very good returns when stock came back. My experience has been best to be debt free and stay that way, and invest the rest plan to retire early. Really best investment choices came right from our bank. They have a licensed broker that has been helping with every choice free of charge. First check with your bank and see what they have to offer for help.