I lost my mother today.


New member
I know I don't post as often as I used to but this is still my extended family. Thanks John for such a great site!!!!

This is what I posted on my facebook page this evening. She lived with my brother who was deaf and did everything for him. I am truly scared for him but told mom I would do my best to take care of him. Today I lost the most important person in my life, my mother. Many of you know how stubborn my mother could be as well as opionated but I loved her so much for all of it. I wouldn't be half of who I am if it wasn't for her. For those who didn't get know her, you missed out on a special woman. For those that knew her, you knew where she stood. I am greiving inside but I know shes in a better place. My brother Lenny will lost without her but we will guide him the best we can. I am happy for my mother that she is no longer in pain but I am sad for everyone that feels the pain of her loss. Take the time to let your own mother know how much you love her and hug her tight. I Love you MOM!!!!!!!!!
You all have my condolences. Be at peace knowing that she is no longer in pain. You will think of her daily for the rest of your life. My parents are both alive yet, but not my wife's. We lost her Dad many years ago at the young age of 49. Her Mom 6.5 years ago. Not a day goes by that I don't think of my Mother-in-law. She was also a truly wonderful person. Best wishes to you and your family in this time. Hopefully there are some programs available for making his life easier.


Well-known member
Always tough to hear about the loss of any family member. Sincere condolences.

It's kind of a reminder that we need to make the best of our time here...


Active member
(tears) What a GREAT tribute you wrote to her! I'm so sorry for your loss. You and your brother will be in my thoughts and prayers!



New member
Mom introduced us to snowmobiling when we were old enough to to be dressed to stay warm. I have pictures of my brother and I at 2-6 yrs old riding in a sled behind a new 72 Olympic Ski Doo. I spent many early years at the I-500 in the mid seventies. We have had property in the UP since the 40's and spent many years sledding with my parents. Thanks everyone for the kind words.


New member
Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I will give my mom and dad an extra hug today. I am so greatful to have them in my life.


New member
Sorry for your loss, it gets easier but the pain never goes away. I lost my father when I was a young man of 20 years old and I think about him everyday.


There's a lot of love and wisdom in your post and thank you for that. I pray the Almighty will comfort you, that you and the family will find refuge in Him. So sorry for your loss.

I know I don't post as often as I used to but this is still my extended family. Thanks John for such a great site!!!!

This is what I posted on my facebook page this evening. She lived with my brother who was deaf and did everything for him. I am truly scared for him but told mom I would do my best to take care of him. Today I lost the most important person in my life, my mother. Many of you know how stubborn my mother could be as well as opionated but I loved her so much for all of it. I wouldn't be half of who I am if it wasn't for her. For those who didn't get know her, you missed out on a special woman. For those that knew her, you knew where she stood. I am greiving inside but I know shes in a better place. My brother Lenny will lost without her but we will guide him the best we can. I am happy for my mother that she is no longer in pain but I am sad for everyone that feels the pain of her loss. Take the time to let your own mother know how much you love her and hug her tight. I Love you MOM!!!!!!!!!


Active member
Sorry to hear about your loss. No better way to help the bad times than share the good times via talking/sharing with others.


New member
Stay strong-you know your mother would not have it any other way. My condolences to you and your family in your time of need. I know losing a parent is extremely difficult. I lost my father 6 years ago to Alzheimers. It was the most difficult thing I've had to endure. He was hands down the greatest man I've ever known, and I still think about him and pray for him daily. Thankfully I still have my mother, but she is now 85, and I see her declining as well. She too is so unbelievably special in so many ways. Unfortunately, the body just wears out, and the loved ones are left behind to deal with the pain. The hurt never goes away, but you do learn to cope with it. Be sure to live your life in a way that would make them proud. I am very grateful for the time spent with both my parents. As my kids are now 12 & 9, my wife and I try to do as much with them as possible. Soon they'll be on their own (or just won't have as much interest in doing stuff with mom & dad) . When the day comes that my wife and I are both gone, I want them to look back in the same light I see my parents-as 2 of the greatest people to ever grace the face of the earth.