I love speel check



Spell check is great. It actually teaches me two becom a betterer speeler. I'm not refering to nash, although I do love de old nash man!!!;)

Googlle toll bar rocks!!!


New member
Speel cheek??

spell check is great. It actually teaches me two becom a betterer speeler. I'm not refering to nash, although i do love de old nash man!!!;)

googlle toll bar rocks!!!

lenny dont ferget yous rootss as a fib.. Do speel cheaks come with that speak thing that helpps me type fasster and and more accuurites...it took me i hrs. Just to type this hous come they put all the letters in funny spots ,,,cause the numbers are all in da rite spots?????? Meathead


New member
Lol… I once had a platoon sergeant in the Army that passed out a memo about the use of the Phone. He said, “ No more lotirun at the fone booff when beein ussed….” Yup! You guessed it… He was from the south…… lol Ebonics


New member
Lol… I once had a platoon sergeant in the Army that passed out a memo about the use of the Phone. He said, “ No more lotirun at the fone booff when beein ussed….” Yup! You guessed it… He was from the south…… lol Ebonics

That was hard to read :confused: So, about that spell check button......


Hey Hash, I have a serious question for you. When you are performing you routine spell checks on use, do you actually use a spell check program or do you just catch it with you eye?

now be honest ;)


New member
You started this challenge

ooooh, now my hed hertz! :eek:

hello frnash,, you are the creator of this mess and wes dont know hous to gets out....of of it it seeams we just keeeps repeteing sum uf da same mist takes butt wif your helps you will leed us to the path of rightgisnus and proper inglish....meathead....and trow in sum eddicut sos we can be bedder huumans tttoooooo!!!!!!


Active member
Hey Hash, I have a serious question for you. When you are performing you routine spell checks on use, do you actually use a spell check program or do you just catch it with you eye?

now be honest ;)
It's just 'instink'. My mind trips & stumbles over 'em while readin'. It's a bit like 'findernales' on da 'blackbored' to me.

Spell check is handy for catchin' summa my fumblefingerin', though, 'speshly if I'm inna rush and neglect to proofread what I 'writ'.

Sorry, I gotta hurry now, I'm late fer my Ebonics class!

(Omigawd, did I rite that?) :eek:


Active member
Jury trials?

Did anyone else spot this one in the news story that started the Pre-season Moron thread
"Deputies’ efforts are often supplemented by the Department of Natural Resources, which has jurisdiction over state trials [sic], lakes, and waterways."
Trials? Do you suppose that includes jury trials? :)


New member
Only you !!

did anyone else spot this one in the news story that started the pre-season moron threadtrials? Do you suppose that includes jury trials? :)

frnash : I read this site for many serious reasons !!!!!!!and for many non seriuosreeson tooo!!!!!jd::}} thanks for puttin a smile on so many people meathead