Iceland Volcano


New member
I know it may be too early to tell given the current intensification but do you see a strong possibility that this may effect our weather in the coming months. Thanks.


Staff member
Despite the media hysteria, this volcanic eruption is not a very big one as far as volcanic eruptions go. It is only a fraction the size of eruptions like Pinatubo that did influence world wide temps.

So no, our weather here in the US will not be impacted, but Europe will see some pretty sunsets for a few weeks.



Active member
Just saw a report that the eruption could last for weeks or months and the last time it erupted in the early 1800's it lasted for a year. If it goes that long, would it effect weather, or is it more about the hieght that the ash goes not the duration?


Staff member
It's more about getting the ash into the stratosphere. Once there, it takes months if not years to settle out. Whereas if it stays in the troposphere, it gets scrubbed out by precip pretty quickly.





Staff member

I really have not followed these volcanoes very closely at all as they will not have an impact on North American weather.




Active member
Sounds like if the other one goes "kalta"(which is aparently more probable than not) it could easily have a globle effect on weather. Think positive John!! "Think snow". ;)

Disclaimer: I don't really want to see mass destruction, poluted air and failed crops resulting in wide spread famine, but if a cold and snowy winter is a side effect, I have to admit, it would be easier to deal with.