If coffee was mandated like health insurance


New member
Here in Ohio, we are required by law, to carry automotive liability insurance. So to make sure I am covered in case of an injury to myself or damage to my property- caused by an UNINSURED motorist- I also buy UNINSURED motorist coverage. It is the same thing as Obama Care, the responsible people covering the huddled masses.


New member
And.. this would be easy to remedy. Sense we have the technology to start our car sitting in the garage, from anywhere in the world, every car manufactured would be registered with the insurance police, and if at any time it would travel down the road without Insurance, it would only go 20 miles per hour. Or, pull up to the gas pump and the pump would "read" the car and if it had no insurance the pump wouldn't turn on and the wrecker would come and haul your car to impound. Yea I know this is all about big brother, but yamm it, things have got to change. Take that Eric Snowden.