Ignition soleniod bad? 2001 Ac Triple Touring 600 zrt triple carb motor.

I have replaced my starter and charger my battery yet when I turn key it has nothing no click no noise at all completely dead, sled starts in 1-2 pulls every time but would be nice to have the es work after all the money put in. How can I tell if its the ignition soleniod, which I can see under the hood, behind where the key is I believe its a Bosch??
Any help or ideas??
First make sure all conections are clean and tight. Than jumper with another battery to starter side of solenoid. If starter turns over bingo...bad solenoid.


Grab a simple test light and;

Check that you have 12V power getting to the ignition switch.

Check 12V power out of the start terminal on the ignition switch when the key is turned to the start postion.

Check at the solenoid that 12V power is getting to the solenoid from the start terminal on the ignition switch when turned to the start position.

If it is getting power, like was said above, you probably need a new solenoid.