
New member
i've lived here my whole life, only 33 years, but i'm laid off for the first time since i've started working, over 20 years.( i started working on a dairy farm when i was 12 years old, never been without a job since). but i think i'll be back to work shortly, only been off a month, i work construction in chicago area.


Active member
"1. Illinois: The adjusted average income is $41,987, thanks to reasonably high average wages, relatively low state income taxes and a reasonable cost of living." - Um, this is NOT Cook County....


"1. Illinois: The adjusted average income is $41,987, thanks to reasonably high average wages, relatively low state income taxes and a reasonable cost of living." - Um, this is NOT Cook County....

Yeah, I kinda find issue with the study doing this on a state level, as the economics of life in Cook County are a lot different than the economics of life in Peoria. This study should have been done at an MSA level.

But hey...some research dweeb in a cubicle got Yahoo to pick up a study done before lunch on a Friday, so they are celebrating with an extra shot of espresso in their cafe Americanos this morning!

Wow, that was an indictment of my past life at Canal and Monroe!


Active member
DC - I grew up on the IL side around STL - WHOLE different world than Cook County! But WI is like that too...Milwaukee and Madison AREN'T the rest of the state. I agree - can't lump the whole state together. MY cost of living FAR exceeds that even of people who live 50 miles away from me.

mosquito - I'm so jealous!!


New member
I wondered who would put any credence in these quantum judgments. They throw these out there without putting the full qualifiers in there....meaning that there must be so many fancy coffee shops within a certain geographical area before they will even consider it on the list.

It is not an "all things for all people" sort of thing...just some humor for the lunch time crowd to read at their cubicles, inside of buildings that don't have windows. Taken as such, it is one step up from being meaningless.


Active member
mosquito - or Madison Co - where I grew up!
Indeed...I just like to b'ch about my county because we're number 1!!! Hey - just cuz it's in a lot of BAD categories doesn't mean that I still can't say we're number 1!!! WOO HOO. Gas gonna go up again to over $4.20?? Golly I hope so! Maybe they can tax us more than 10% on all non food items?? Sure hope so! And crime? I think we at least gotta be in the top 10, rigth?? grrrrrrr (get me outta here!!! :confused:)
"1. Illinois: The adjusted average income is $41,987, thanks to reasonably high average wages, relatively low state income taxes and a reasonable cost of living." - Um, this is NOT Cook County....

or WILL county . the whole state income tax went through the roof!!!! They dont what they are talkin about


New member
Wow i like to see where they get this info from??? Illinois is horrible in everyway ,high taxes,they just raised the income taxes that took $100 a month out of anyone making 5ok pocket!! No right to carry!! Did i mention it is rated the worst place to retire in the country (one statistic i agree with) . I have 5 neighbors on my block that out of work also!! Some just gave up!!


Well-known member
Are there any Northern counties in IL that are good to live in in terms of taxes, cost of living, etc? I once had a job offer from Abbott and I was surprised at some of the housing costs and taxes in that area. I thought it may have been north enough of Chicago, but perhaps the whole state is bad. I live near indianapolis though, and cost of living is much lower down here. I grew up in Northwest Indiana on the IL line, and I always thought it would be nice to live North of Chicago for access to snowmobiling and other recreational activities. Not sure if I could get agreement from the other decision maker in the family (wife).


Active member
The first thing I thought of when I saw this was "yea right, whatever". But to be honest I really can not complain at least in the regards of manufacturing employement but I know there is a manufacturing side I do not like here as well but I have been lucky so far (knock on wood). As for the taxes, "whatever"