In Coming storm


New member
John, I am in Northwest Il. and watching this potential snow coming in on Tues Wed
my question for you is this, Will the temps remain below freezing after it goes through? Will
we actually be able to ride over the weekend? or will it melt off the next day? Thanks in advance, and thanks for this website.


Please do not ask specific forecast questions and obey all other rules of the board!

This is one of the rules when you enter the forum.


New member
Please do not ask specific forecast questions and obey all other rules of the board!

This is one of the rules when you enter the forum.

Sorry, Forgot about that. 3 years of viewing this board and I have never asked John a question. It was harmless, a temperature question, But I suppose your right.


Active member
muss, I've learned that if John feels your question is a violation of his rules, he won't answer it. Otherwise, he will answer it. Ignore what other people say about your question. Its John's call.