Instrument Shelter


New member
We are building a new shelter using louvered panels for the sides. We have a lot of bees areound so we are thinking of adding screen on the inside. Just wondered if you ever had trouble with bugs getting in and how you handle it.


Active member
<font color="0000ff">ddoppke:</font>
That sounds like a good question!

You'd think that an un-screened instrument shelter would be a great potential home for very unwelcome guests like those that used this old phone booth by Pricket dam; here's a close up view!

(Both from: Past-E-Mail: Cam Notes - 2003: May: May 09-03)


I would say adding a screen would be a good idea if you want to keep the bees out. I do not have any problem with mine right now, but I think I had to deal with a few beginnings of nests when I had it in Lake Linden.



New member
you could plug one of these in if you have an outlet wired in.they are relatively cheap
don;t know how many watts it pulls or amps just a thought