Iron County Wis trails


New member
What's going on with Iron County trails/ road routes , seems like
there plowing all the road trails down to the pavement / dirt the last few seasons ?
How have they been the last few weeks this year ?


I totally agree. its like they don't want the snowmobile revinue anymore. The local businesses need to stand up and complain. I have watched when we get 1 inch of lake affect they are out plowing the gravel roads. Can you say high taxes!


New member
I agree as well, was just there Wed thru Friday, most trails were good, but the
main corridor trails were getting very thin and brown, no grooming to speak of
due to lack of new snow and warm temps. Now as for the lake road trails and
county roads, scraped clean. Probably wore out another new set of carbides.
Really wanted to avoid the road trails but it was not always possible. Should
be great next week though. Lots and lots of sleds too. Trail 2 out of Hurley heading
west and north to the lake was awesome all three days.


Active member
I have always felt these roads were plowed rather aggressively. It seems in all of Northern Wisconsin the days of the township guy leaving a shoulder for us sledders to ride on is gone. Probably has to do with all of the lawsuit happy people.....


Well-known member
I have always felt these roads were plowed rather aggressively. It seems in all of Northern Wisconsin the days of the township guy leaving a shoulder for us sledders to ride on is gone. Probably has to do with all of the lawsuit happy people.....

what lawsuit happy ppl?...More to do with little communication between Tourism interests and local town and county commissioners.
Agree. We rode through on Friday. There was a large stretch of Trail 8 that was plowed down the pavement. Carbides and skis making that nasty noise the whole way. If they're going to plow all the way down then why keep it as a snowmobile trail?
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It seems the plow drivers in mercer area do not ride snowmobiles or own businesses that need the revenue. When the businesses close up maybe then they will think what they did. trail 8 north of town is plowed because they are going to do road work on it first in spring and thinking it will dry up faster. 8 near g is plowed because of logging.
I talked to a local restaurant owner about this. He said it's the road commissioner. Nothing he can do about it. Something about his brother being on the county board or something like that.


New member
I've heard that rumbling b4 about the road commissioner , I have friends over by Phillips and we do a yearly group ride Super bowl weekend, and used there trails a lot to get to Mercer . And last year we hit many miles of plowed roads (prob 15/20 miles worth one day alone), that are marked as "trails" . Lot of overheating and ground up carbides etc.. Was disheartening as most of the routes are to all the bars/food joints . We are doing our trip next week , and started already trying to plan routes to avoid as much of iron county road routes as much as we can . Feel bad for all the great business's that suffer loss of income as riders avoid going to there places of business.

old abe

Well-known member
I talked to a local restaurant owner about this. He said it's the road commissioner. Nothing he can do about it. Something about his brother being on the county board or something like that.

Why don't the business owners tell the county board, less business equates to less taxes???? Should be able to deal with even a hard headed "road commissioner".


I rode Mercer / Fisher Lake / flowage area for ten years, and trails were always bad anywhere within 5 miles of Mercer. Too much traffic with all the sleds basing out of Great Northern.
You can avoid the road trails if you know the area well enough, there's ways around them.
IMO, it is not just Mercer or Iron County. A lot of areas in Lincoln, Oneida and Vilas Counties have been getting worse with scraping road trails to bare pavement.


Active member
IMO, it is not just Mercer or Iron County. A lot of areas in Lincoln, Oneida and Vilas Counties have been getting worse with scraping road trails to bare pavement.

Further south they require 2 inches of salt for every half inch of snow that falls. God forbid people learned how to drive in the snow.


Active member
Its more of a township differance then a county. Then logging some trails are plowed one year and the next year they are not. 98% of road trails in iron county have to be gravel, there just isnt alot of paved roads in that county. It for sure changes year to year so if you only go there once a year its tuff to figure out what is plowed and what isn't. But it's never bad enough where I wouldn't ride. I do believe it sounds worse than it actually is. As far as overheating goes, just have to keep an eye on it. Iv'e noticed my newer doos overheat much easier then my older doos ever did.