Is it just regional??


New member
I have a questions on weather predictions. Is being a forecaster more of a regional job or can you predict weather anywhere?? The reason I am asking is because with all the strange weather they have been having down south and on the east coast our local weather guy has said on more then one occasion after his forecast for our area that we will "just have to see what there forecast is for there area". Why could he not do a forecast for them. I understand that there are way more variables than I even want to know about in doing a forecast but couldn't he do a forecast for that area also...

Just wondering,


Super Moderator
Staff member
I think John is out riding right now, so I will try to hekp on this one. All forecasters use the same models to make their prediction. I know that when John does his forecasting for his commodity clients, he provides forecasts, for whatever area they are interested in. South America is one of them. So, I think any forecaster could provide a forecast for any area.


Ya, could you tell the forecaster to forecast some big ole storm for us in the Keweenaw?? Meester Bleezard is gonna get a nickname, Mrs. Light & Fluffy.



Staff member
Skylar is right. A properly trained meteorologist can forecast for anywhere in the world. Each region will have it's own "spin" on the weather, like the UP having Lake Effect Snow and the mountains having their unique climates or Florida getting rain just about every day all summer long, but the underlying principles that drive the big weather pictures are the same around the world.

I forecast for just about everywhere in the world. South America, China, India, Europe, the former Soviet Union, Australia. If a crop is grown there, I forecast for it.

So your local weather guy is either too lazy to try and forecast for that region, or not skilled enough to do it. Either way, not sure I would trust him much with your local forecast!



New member
I never trust anyone cept you john.....except when I don't like your forcast and then it is just selective denial!!!!!


New member

so is most of what u do and your clients in the agriculture field around the world. just curious i grew up farming mint and sod miss it alot


Staff member
It is in the agri-business field. Not really farmers per say, but commodity traders and farmers that hedge their crops. My products are geared for the futures industry and not the farming (production) side of things.
