Is La Nina Back ???


New member
Excerpts from WTMJ-4 Milwaukee 1/6/09:

Through about mid-December this year, there was no La Nina detected. Going into this winter season, we did not have any strong indication one way or the other with regard to how much snow we might receive. The heavy snows that did occur during the first half of December probably can be chalked up to being "just one of those things".

Now that a La Nina seems to have developed, we may have something to blame if we receive a great deal of snow during the rest of the season.

The key words in the previous sentence are "may" and "if". There are many things we just don't know about the upcoming months.

1) Will the La Nina last?

2) Will the La Nina get stronger? Or weaker?

3) Is the La Nina strong enough already to lead to a persistently snowy weather pattern for Wisconsin?

4) If the La Nina gets stronger...will it then be strong enough to lead to a persistently snowy weather pattern for Wisconsin?

5) Will conditions besides La Nina either suppress or enhance its impact on our weather pattern?

Going into this winter, there was no strong evidence suggesting we'd have more or less snow than normal. Now, with the development of La Nina, even if it's weak and temporary, there is at least some reason to believe that snowfall will be above normal from now through the end of the season.

Thoughts ??


I agree that all the indicators point to the development of La Nina in the past 30-45 days. It had been close for much of Autumn and then finally tilted far enough to be classified as a La Nina in the past couple of weeks.

As for it's direct impact on WI weather, I'd say the verdict is out. Typically I look for temps to be coler than average in the upper Midwest during a weak La Nina, with no strong precip (snow) anomaly one way or the other- other than to say if it is colder than average, then you have a better chance of the precip falling as snow vs. rain.

I guess my thoughts are that I think the rest of the winter will be coler than average for WI overall (still chances for periodic warm ups), but do not have any strong feelings as to what precip will do.
