Island Park Idaho


New member
headed there in feb.
can anyone tell me in witch direction we should go for off trail riding( first timers)


New member
Should be able to head any direction, but heading up to two top would probably be your best option. Lots of places to play and explore.


New member
Oh and brush up on your snow bridge building abilities if you really wanna get to the good stuff right Wayne! Lol.


Two top area agreed. You don't have to go very far to find good riding areas. head up the trail and find the valleys and holes in the woods, crawl in and go


New member
And stay away from Mt. Jefferson from what I have been told it can be a nasty area to get out of.


New member
we stayed at Pond's Lodge a couple years ago, great place to stay, eat, drink. Rental place right down the road was great also.