isopropyl alcohol in the first tank of gas


New member
Ok this is a debate a buddy of mine are having. He swears by dumping a whole bottle of iso alcohol in his tank for the first ride of the season. Me on the other hand believe its best to avoid alcohol at all cost. He claims the iso will eat away and build up that may of occurred in the off season while it sounds logical I understand alcohol does have some benefits I still don't see it lets hear what others have to say.


Well-known member
Ok this is a debate a buddy of mine are having. He swears by dumping a whole bottle of iso alcohol in his tank for the first ride of the season. Me on the other hand believe its best to avoid alcohol at all cost. He claims the iso will eat away and build up that may of occurred in the off season while it sounds logical I understand alcohol does have some benefits I still don't see it lets hear what others have to say.

That's one way to really lean out the motor. NO. Maybe a splash, a couple onces, for a full tank of gas.


Better to drain out the old fuel & start with fresh fuel.

If running fuel with ethanol, it's best not to add any iso-alcohol.

old abe

Well-known member
I suggest Sea Foam instead of Iso. Follow the recs on Sea Foam. I myself prefer Sea Foam over Sta-Bil as far as a fuel stabilizer also. No carb problems when used as prescribed.


New member
I add TC-W3 640/1 to all my 4 stroke fuel..keeps everything clean and lubed..(thats 1oz. on 5gal)

2 stroke I use non-ethanol 91..stow with marine stabil on minimal fuel and heavy atf then run throughout the system.

If they run good, I run them.


New member
That's always been my thoughts too. I usually add about a half a quart of oil to my tank for first tank of the year but always thought the alcohol was a bad idea.


New member
I've always had great luck storing my sleds in the spring with the recommended amount of marine stabil. In the fall, the first tank got the recommended amount of Seafoam in the first tank. I certainly wouldn't be adding a full bottle to a tank of gas that already has ethanol in the fuel. That's a lot of alcohol. Looking for a lean burn down. I agree it's nice to put something in the first tank of the season, but not that much. Is he adding additional oil to the fuel as well?


I've always run a small amount of ISO every weekend that I ride. About 1/4 to 1/2 of a small bottle per machine. Never had an issue.


New member
Polaris manual actually recommends iso when running non-oxygenated fuel. I've "medicated" both my 2008 and 2013 with iso but I only use half of the recommended amount so 1 bottle gets me through 2 tanks of gas. Have never had a problem with this approach.


have always used half abottle of iso when we fill up at the end of the day. That being said, i havent riden a 2 smoker since 2005.