Well, I sold the sled in late March I believe. I then went and bought a JD Gator 825i. I put a jump seat in the back and now the whole family can go exploring. I have put just over 1100 miles on since June 1st. So to make a long story short I don't think I'm going to any sledding this yr but I just may with a friend who has an xtra one available.
I do have all of my gear that I purchased in the last 2 yrs and it's ready to go, ya never know when you'll find a deal.. I really like the look of the new Proclimb 800, gosh I would hate to see one in person that might seal the deal.. Most of it was I only rode like 10 times last yr and I have a hard time shelling out $10K plus for something that I only use and my two boys (9 & 4) sit home. They really like to get out and about so I thought the gator was a better buy for me.
I will definately buy another one but it may be after this season. Most likely it will be when my 9 yr old can start riding solo, in a couple of yrs.
I did put some tracks in my front field today with the gator. That didn't quite do it so I ripped a few donuts also. With a not so solid base of 4 inches or so, I will have to do some minor landscaping in the spring. I also took my 4 yr old mudding on the gator too.