Jackshaft on 2000 Yamaha V-Max 500


New member
Replacing track on V-Max, while I have the chaincase open I'm going to replace the jackshaft bearings also. Have the Secondary off, set screws loose on bearing. I see a snap ring on inboard side of brake rotor. What else is there to remove to get shaft out and which direction do you go with the shaft to remove it? Does the caliper need to be removed? The bearings don't seem bad, but replacing them for peace of mind(what little mind is left). Thanks in advance for any input!


New member
Check out totallyamaha.com. Great site for advice on Yamaha sleds. I've found everyone really helpful.


Active member
Go to totallyamaha.com and look in the tech pages under "tracks" and look for procedure for changing a track. And start taking the chaincase off...


New member
It doesn't look like it will be that big of a deal, just another step I didn't want to have to do. Out goes the chaincase!